Modernism and Postmodernism in Group Relations: A Confusion of Tongues

Gertler, B. and Izod, K. (2004) Modernism and Postmodernism in Group Relations: A Confusion of Tongues. In: Cytrynbaum, S. and Noumair, D.A., eds., (2004) Group Dynamics, Organizational Irrationality, and Social Complexity: Group Relations Reader 3: Jupiter, Florida: A.K.Rice Institute, pp. 81-98   Back to Publications NEED TAGS

Mutuality and Interdependence: Applications of Group Relations Perspectives to Issues of Career Ownership and Development

Izod, K. (2006) Mutuality and Interdependence: Applications of Group Relations Perspectives to issues of career ownership and development. In: Brunner, L.D., Nutkevitch, A., Sher, M., eds., (2006)  Group Relations Conferences: Reviewing and Exploring Theory, Design, Role-Taking and Application:  London: Karnac Books  pp. 79-93. Back to Publications NEED TAGS

Too Close for Comfort: Attending to Boundaries in Associate Relationships

Izod, K. (2013) ‘Too Close for Comfort: Attending to Boundaries in Associate Relationships’. In: Changing Organisations from Within: Roles, Risks and Consultancy Relationships: Whittle, S. and Stevens, R., eds. Farnham: Gower pp. 145-163 Further details Back to Publications